My Strategy of Problem-Solving
“Life without problems is a school without lessons.” Anonymous
This blog focus on how I solved my personal problem which is related to life, work, and relationship.
Whenever I face a problem, I do these steps:
- Subjective Analysis
- Objective Analysis
The first step that I do is:
Subjective Analysis: Every problem creates some kind of suffering in terms of overthinking, emotionally, and physically. So while suffering from these symptoms, the first thing I do is: I analyze that by which thoughts, or by which expectations, or by my ego, or by which attachment, I am facing this problem.
The second step that I do is:
Objective Analysis: After analyzing subjectively, I analyze what are the physical object or things, or situations. I firmly believe that Objective problem comes to increase our strength (either it can be physical or mental). The objective problem really improves ourself. e.g Maintaining the business in crisis.
Examples from my life to understand it better:
- In my 10th standard, I got an average percentage (75%), which is pretty low. After my result, I suffered a lot. I firmly thought that on the 11th, this will not happen. I also try hard to get good marks in 11. My percentage also jumped to 89%. But then I realized and analyzed myself that I got suffered because I want to prove to myself that I am intelligent in front of relatives. In proving that, I got 89% in the 11th first exam but I analyzed that in the race of getting good marks, I lost my research attitude and I didn’t enjoy physics and mathematics. So then I have firmly decided that I will not study to impress anyone with my marks but I will study to enjoy maths and physics.
- In my 12th standard board exam of chemistry, I could not able to complete the full question paper. I have attended 2 marks, 3 marks, and 5 marks questions first and thought that I will do MCQ and 1 marks question after completing 2, 3, and 5 marks questions. But when I finished 2, 3, and 5 marks questions, I just have 10 mins (10 Mins Alarm) to do MCQ (16 questions) and 1 Marks Questions(16 questions). So quickly I started MCQs and finished those in 10 mins and not able to attend any questions from 1 mark. So after finishing the exam I thought: “अब तो गए” (I lost opportunity). But then I analyze myself subjectively and got that: I was a little bit afraid and not want to lost marks in 2, 3, and 5 marks questions and become more protective towards those questions. Then I thought objectively and got that: My writing speed is slower. So by getting the exact reason behind the problem, I tried to overcome it in all the next exam papers and did well in the next exams.
There are many incidents like these incidents where I have used my strategy of problem-solving and the average kid who scores 75% in tenth, did well in the GATE exam (Electronics and Communication) with a total of 180 hours of preparing for that exam. I have given the JAM for Mathematics and got AIR 523 Rank in that (I gave that exam just to check my mathematical knowledge).
It is not like that I got many big achievement. But I am satisfied that each day I am making a steady step toward personal growth.
I really think that we need to learn from the neural network where the model improves itself by propagating the loss function and change the values of weights according to the loss function and this way it improves itself.
In the same way, we also have to do, change the strategy of going forward with Subjective and Objective Analysis. This strategy really improved my self.
By writing this blog also I want to improve myself socially and this is the first step toward connecting myself to readers.
Thank you for reading this and investing some time in it. All the best for all the opportunities in life.
Let me end the blog with two great quotes:
“Narrow your life down to this moment. Your life situation may be full of problems — most life situations are — but find out if you have a problem at this moment. Do you have a problem now?”: Eckhart Tolle
“Knowing your own mind is the solution to all our problems.”: Thubten Yeshe